Web Development

Drupal Tutorial - Create a Contact us page for your website

If you want your visitors or customers to be able to get in touch with you easily through your personal website then the best way to do this is to create a Contact us page.

Following the steps below you will have a contact us page for your website ready in no time, and you will be able to easily get information and feedback from your visitors. 

Enable the Contact module and add the page to the main menu

First of all you will have to enable the Drupal contact module. This can be done by going to the Modules page and enabling the module named Contact. This module comes pre-installed with the Drupal installation, the only thing you have to do is to select the Enabled checkbox and then click the Save configuration button.

To allow your website visitors to use your contact form you will also need to change its permissions. To do this click the Permissions link next to the Contact module. You will see a lot of checkboxes. Find the part that says Contact and select the ANONYMOUS USER for the Use the site-wide contact form field. Finally click the Save permissions button at the bottom of the page.

Next step is to navigate to the Structure > Contact form page where you can edit the appearance of your contact form. By enabling the contact module Drupal automatically creates a default contact form in order to help you. You can use it as it is or edit it and add or remove the fields you want based on it as a template.

When you finish editing and saving your form you will have to add a link for it at your websites main menu in order to make it accessible by your visitors. This can be done easily by going to the Structure > Menus and then clicking the Add link next to the Main Menu. Inside there fill in the following fields: 

  • in the Menu title link field type the text you want to be shown as a tag on the menu of your website, for example "Contact us" 
  • in the Path field type the link to your contact page, by default this is "contact"
Finally click the Save button.

This way your Contact page is now ready and accessible by every visitor (logged in or not). You can reload your website and choose the contact link from the main menu.

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