Web hosting
How do I remove a MySql database or a user in cPanel?

Many times it is necessary to delete databases of old websites and applications installed to try etc. Removing an unwanted database most likely you will want to delete and the user who had rights to use this database.
Usually when you create a database is that a new user added automatically who has rights to use this database. If you had installed the database manually then perhaps you added and user manually, but if you used the automatic setup engine (auto installer) available to each hosting account of IP.GR, then the user added automatically. In each case, through the cPanel you can see who user has privileges in which database and delete the right users and the right databases.
Delete a database in cPanel - Database Delete
- Login to cPanel
Click the option MySQL Databases you will find in the Databases category.
In the Current Databases table, press the Delete icon in the Actions column, which corresponds to the database you want to delete.
In the PRIVILEDGED USERS column you can see the user that has privileges to use this database. You can then delete the user.Now you will see a window like this:
- If you are sure you want to permanently delete the database, press Delete Database.
Delte a database user on cPanel- Database Delete
You must be careful when you delete users in MySQL. The process is simple but make sure that the user you want to delete is the correct. If the same user has privileges to multiple databases, then there is a possibility that applications using these databases experience connection errors, because you have deleted the user to which they were linked.
So if you have several databases on your account, check the column PRIVILEDGED USERS which user manages the current database. Don't delete users who manage more than one database if you are not sure that these databases are not used on your site.
To delete the MySQL database user, follow the steps below:
In current users section click the Delete icon in the Actions column corresponding to the user you want to delete.
You will now see a window like this:
- If you are sure you want to delete permanently the user, press the Delete MySQL Users button.