Web hosting
How do I create a database or a user?
The process to add a database to cPanel requires a series of actions to the user who will manage the database, which actions often ignored from most of the cPanel users.
In fact, the creation of a new database includes :
- The creation of the database (MySql database)
- The user creation for the database (MySql database user)
- The privileges assignment to the user of the database
An important tool through which the above procedures are simplified is the MySQL Database Wizard, wich performs step by step these procedures so there is no possibility of error or omission by the cPanel user.
Database creation within cPanel using MySQL Database Wizard:
- Login to cPanel
- Click the MySQL Database Wizard option in the Databases section.
In the field New Database type the name of the database and click the Next Step button.
In the field Username type the username for the user, with latin characters. Next type the password and press Create User.
Assign privileges to the user by checking the boxes you wish or click the ALL PRIVILEDGES button and click Next Step.
Congratulations, you just created a database and you set the administrator.