Reseller Hosting
Web hosting plans for resellers/ Month Add to cart
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General Characteristics
Website Management & Backup
Supported Technologies
Statistics & Logs
CMS & Apps
eCommerce & Business
Frequently asked questions
How reseller hosting works?
It is simple. H IP.GR provides you space on the servers she owns and the tools to allocate this space to your customers, depending on the sales you make, not seen anywhere the IP.GR, but providing you always the support you need in every step of of your business growth.
How should i start?
Select the reseller package that suits you, according to your needs and your estimates on future growth of your business. Through your account in IP.GR, make an order to obtain the package you want. After the order has been executed you will receive an email to activate your package with all the necessary information and data you need to begin. You will have your own reseller management panel, through which you should manage your customers and may provide them their own panels for managing their websites and emails. For any problem, please contact us for further guidance and support.
Why choose the reseller hosting?
A reseller package allows you to host and create unlimited number of sites, depending on sales and the number of your customers. Moreover, it enables you to adjust the characteristics of each customer account and provide them access to manageme their account, so it is not constantly necessary your help. This way you obtain flexibility autonomy and independence! Why finally choose a reseller hosting package in IP.GR; Because it is good for your badget. You have fixed operating cost and profits from your sales reach to you!