Register a   .com   domain
Register now your own .com domain with IP.GR
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What is a .com domain?

It's really simple. The .com domain extension is the … king of all domains!

It is the standard choice for all enterprises, blogs, social networks and every site that exists online. It is the extension that every user expects to see in his browser's address field.

.Com domain is the first choice of everyone that wishes to move his company online. 97% of all enterprises around the globe, have already registered a .com domain.

Why register a .com domain?

It is the most popular choice.. It is considered a one-way-street for all businesses that have or wish to have online activity. A .com domain adds validity to your website, legalizes your presence online and expands the audience you are addressing to.

If you haven't been already convinced, here's three more reasons to get your own .com domain:

  • It is the domain all big enterprises seek most.
  • t has the greater after-market value, since you may easily resell it, usually at a higher price than it was obtained.
  • It has the best results in search engines.
Have you found your .com domain? Wait no more, register it now in IP.GR!

Buy .com domain

You may own a domain name with extension .com only at 12.90 € euros per year.
See all new domain extensions that are available for registration with IP.GR by clicking here

Web hosting for your .com domain

If you would like to purchase your own web hosting package for your .com domain , visit our website's Hosting page, to find all offered hosting packages as well as their features and select the one that better serves your needs.

Web hosting for your .com domain
Business hosting for your .com domain
Semi Dedicated hosting for your .com domain

IPGLOBAL IKE   |  IP.GR Web Hosting and Domain Name registration services in Greece
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