Register a .fit domain
Register now your own .fit domain with IP.GR
fast, easy and cheap + Free Hosting & Email

Availability check for .fit domain
What is a .fit domain?
A lot of people want to easily learn information to help their natural state. Everyday thousands of searches are done online on how to lose weight and have a proper diet. Attract these searches in the best possible way, by creating your website under a .fit domain.
Why register a .fit domain?
Coaches, personal trainers and gyms, can directly benefit by registering a .fit domain. The same goes for nutritionists and blog administrators about sports and fitness, which can promote their business online. A .fit domain can also strengthen the sales of a store with fitness equipment and nutritional supplements.
Buy .fit domain
You may own a domain name with extension .fit only at 41.90 € euros per year.
See all new domain extensions that are available for registration with IP.GR by clicking here
Web hosting for your .fit domain
If you would like to purchase your own web hosting package for your .fit domain , visit our website's Hosting page, to find all offered hosting packages as well as their features and select the one that better serves your needs.