Register a .gr domain
Register now your own .gr domain with IP.GR
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What is a .gr domain?
.Gr is the extension used for domain names, to indicate origin from Greece or use of the Greek language. .Gr domain names registration can only be an activity of certified registrars, controlled by the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (the organization responsible for the management of all .gr domains).
IP.GR is one of the most well known .gr domain names registrar and already counts several years of experience in the field.For your .gr domain you may use both Latin and Greek alphabet, however not at the same time. For instance, you may register the domain name ‘τοονομαμου.gr’, but not the domain ‘myονομα.gr’.
Besides .gr itself, you may come up with second level .gr extensions, such us:
- for companies or traders
- for ISPs and network infrastructure providers.
- for nonprofit organizations
- for educational institutes
Κάποιες από αυτές μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε και εσείς, αρκεί να πληρείτε τα απαραίτητα κριτήρια, ενώ ορισμένες από αυτές μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν αποκλειστικά και μόνο από τους αρμόδιους φορείς.
Why register a .gr domain?
Generic top level domain names, such as .com, is what we usually meet online. However, local domain names, and more specifically .gr domains, may have many advantages when used both for business or personal reasons.
Find the domain that suits you best!
Using a .gr domain, does not only gives you the chance to promote your online presence in Greece more, but also allows you to find the domain name which best describes your activity or your website's subject.
How can that be?
Just consider that the domain name you have come up with is more likely already registered with .com, .net, or .biz. If you try to come up with a similar name, you might finally get a domain which contains separators or numbers, that might probably be less handy or easy to remember and you don't really need that. Have you checked though for the same name in .gr? It's probable that this domain is available for registration and you may probably get exactly the name you had in mind for your website!
Build your audience or customer base
Choose a .gr domain to build your audience or customer base in Greece. A person or organization located in Greece is much more likely to trust a .gr website, rather than the same website with a .com name.
Search engines
A .gr domain really improves your website's ranking in Greek search engines. For example, selects easier .gr websites, in the same way easier chooses .fr sites.
Buy .gr domain
You may own a domain name with extension .gr only at 6.45 € euros per year.
See all new domain extensions that are available for registration with IP.GR by clicking here
Web hosting for your .gr domain
If you would like to purchase your own web hosting package for your .gr domain , visit our website's Hosting page, to find all offered hosting packages as well as their features and select the one that better serves your needs.