Register a .technology domain
Register now your own .technology domain with IP.GR
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What is a .technology domain?
The technology honors human innovation. Always inseparably linked with humanity, technology pushes mankind to the path of progress.
Due to the entry in our lives of technologies like computer and the Internet of course, the world has experienced an unprecedented leap in technological progress during the past two decades. Ever since we are all oriented towards internet and the internet itself has found its way to our phones, turning them into smart and generating great expectations and possibilities for further development and application of technology over time.
No other domain extension could be more appropriate to describe the endless evolution of people as a .technology! Simple, direct and easily recognizable, the domain .technology immediately transfers to the visitors of a site the object for which this website exists, which of course can be no other than the wonders of human innovation, new and old.
Why register a .technology domain?
Whether you run an online journal or blog about innovation, or manage a website for modelers or a tribute to a museum exhibit of ancient Mesopotamia, a domain .technology is the spark that will "turn on" your creativity and imagination.
If you're a developer, a young entrepreneur, startup, or anyone else involved in technology, a .technology domain is exactly what you need.
A domain .technology could be used to integrate concepts of networking in production, promote new ideas to technological communities, trade new technologies, or sell new technology online. If you are a blogger dealing with technological issues, .technology is the domain name you need to give your work a recognizable name!
Find your own .technology in IP.GR!
Buy .technology domain
You may own a domain name with extension .technology only at 37.90 € euros per year.
See all new domain extensions that are available for registration with IP.GR by clicking here
Web hosting for your .technology domain
If you would like to purchase your own web hosting package for your .technology domain , visit our website's Hosting page, to find all offered hosting packages as well as their features and select the one that better serves your needs.