Business Line

Upgrade your experience from Apache or Nginx to LiteSpeed Server for better performance

LiteSpeed Web Server LiteSpeed Hosting
Fast by nature!

+ Fast browsing
+ More backups
+ Spam Protection

5.90 €
/ Month
6.40 €
/ Month
7.40 €
/ Month
7.80 €
/ Month
Try it out with just1€ for one month
Sites hosted:1
Monthly traffic:Unmetered
Disk space:Unmetered
E-mail accounts:Unlimited
Free SSL:
Ram:2 GB
CPU:1 core
Care Pack: Business
Control Panel:
Sitebuilder:Sitejet Site Builder
Auto Installer:  
Up to 3 websites!
8.90 €
/ Month
10.10 €
/ Month
10.70 €
/ Month
11.20 €
/ Month
Sites hosted:3
Monthly traffic:Unmetered
Disk space:Unmetered
E-mail accounts:Unlimited
Free SSL:
Ram:3 GB
CPU:1 core
Care Pack: Business
Control Panel:
Sitebuilder:Sitejet Site Builder
Auto Installer:  
14.70 €
/ Month
15.80 €
/ Month
16.40 €
/ Month
16.90 €
/ Month
Sites hosted:5
Monthly traffic:Unmetered
Disk space:Unmetered
E-mail accounts:Unlimited
Free SSL:
Ram:4 GB
CPU:1 core
Care Pack: Business
Control Panel:
Sitebuilder:Sitejet Site Builder
Auto Installer:  
See all packages attributes

Business Power
Manage up to 3 websites through a single cPanel account

Suitable for business websites and eshops

Speed |Flexibility | Single hosting management | 2 addon domains | LiteSpeed server

NVMe disks

NVMe SSD disks
ensure the fastest possible data transfer speeds

Business Backup

+ 7 daily + 4 weekly backups
including selective restore capabilities

Instant Snapshot

Instant account snapshotting capabilities
update and testing flexibility

Advanced Email Protection

The best possible email account protection from viruses and spam

Support Priority

The best business hosting solution

Extended performance

Increased resource availability in terms of
+ RAM  + I/O  + IOPS  + Entry Processes

CloudLinux OS

The best OS
for Web Servers


The most popular and user friendly
control panel for your hosting

Guaranteed resources

Specific and specified CPU & Ram
resources in every hosting plan

Auto Installer

Automatic Wordpress, Joomla etc.
installation with a single click

PHP Selector

Select the compatible PHP version
with your website


Fast network, guaranteed resources and
Entrerprise NVMe SSD hard disks

Unmetered Resources

Unmetered traffic, unmetered disk space, iNodes policy


Free SSL, 3x Antivirus,
real time scan

Site Migration

We transfer your website to us for free
with 12month, 24month and 36month subscriptions

General Characteristics

Hosting Plan
Web Server
Free SSL
Sub Domains
Parked Domains
Addon Domains
Ftp Accounts
DNS Control
Data Center
MySQL Databases
Entry Processes
Mailbox quota
Emails / hour
Monitoring 24/7
Instant Setup
No commitments
Money back guarantee
Business Value
Sitejet Site Builder
1 core
2 GB
20 MB/s
Business Power
Sitejet Site Builder
1 core
3 GB
20 MB/s
Business Premium
Sitejet Site Builder
1 core
4 GB
20 MB/s


Web Mail
Auto Responders
Email Forwarders
Default Address
Email Filtering
Email Trace
Email Authentication
MX Management

Website Management & Backup

File manager
Full or Partial Backup
Backup Restore
Backup Wizard
Website optimization
Error Pages


FTP Acc. Management
FTP session control
Webalizer FTP

Supported Technologies

Cloud Linux O.S.
PHP 5.x / 7.x / 8.x
PHP Version selector
PHP PEAR Packages
PHP Configuration
Cron Jobs
Network Tools
Image manager

Statistics & Logs

Raw Access Logs
Error log
Analog Stats
Resource usage

CMS & Apps

100+ Apps
Joomla hosting
Wordpress hosting
Drupal hosting

eCommerce & Business

Vtiger CRM
SSL Access


Availability guarantee
Continuous monitoring
Firewall protection
Virus Scanner
Malware Detector
Brute Force Protect
Password Protect Dirs
Mod Security
SSL/TLS Manager
HotLink Protection
Leech Protect
GnuPG Keys
IP Deny Manager


Knowledge Base
Ticket Support
Email Support
Video Tutorials
Phone Support

What are the main benefits of the Business Power hosting plan?

The Business Power plan belongs to the Business Line series that aims to provide the most complete hosting service possible, where security, performance and technical support are the main priorities.

In the Business Power plan you will find

- LiteSpeed web server technology
- Adequacy of system resources
- NVMe disks - datacenter class
- Automated backups up to 30 days
- Ability to restore through your cPanel
- Possibility of full or selective (in individual parts of the plan) restore
- Instant Snapshot feature
- Mechanism for automatic installation and upgrade of applications
- Staging environment for testing
- X-Ray Module Analysis for server level evaluation of your website
- Resource Usage analysis to understand requirements in system resources
- Advanced Spam Protection using MailScanner
- Antivirus protection
- Technical support
- Security
- Hosting up to 3 websites
...and much more!

Why host up to 3 sites - what does it serve?

The Business Power hosting plan provides the ability to host up to three websites on the same cPanel account. In this layout, one site is the central one and the other two are addon domains.

The main thought is that there is a central website and at the same time other two secondary or complementary websites. To give an example, suppose you have an eshop that is your main website and you need another site to publish your balance sheet and another one to promote a new product. In such a case, it is not necessary to get 3 hosting packages for these 3 different websites. You can have all 3 in the same hosting package to achieve better savings.

What you should pay attention to if you choose this layout, will be the security of your applications. If you use open source applications such as WordPress, Joomla etc. you should make sure that your sites are constantly updated, because a possible violation in one of the three, can affect the other two, as they will be on the same subscription. But if you have updated your applications, you are not at risk.

Our recommendation is not to have more than one open source applications in the same hosting plan, because in practice we find that secondary pages are usually neglected and not regularly updated by their administrators. If the secondary pages will not change content in the future, or at least if they do not change content often, it may be best to make them static with a simple html, so they do not need upgrades. Alternatively, you will either need to pay close attention to the upgrades so that the main site is not compromised, or you will need to purchase different hosting packages for each of your opensource applications.

Is 1 core CPU enough? What if I need more CPU?

CPU is the most important of the system resources on servers in general, as the adequacy and speed of the CPU can significantly affect the performance of a website or an eshop. There are of course other system resources that are very important, but the CPU is the most important resource and the most expensive in terms of hardware.

CPU adequacy

CPU adequacy is studied at two levels. In the first level, it is important to have sufficient CPU on the server as a whole, while in the second level we study whether the CPU assigned to each hosting plan is sufficient for the needs of the application hosted.

The adequacy of processing power at server level, is controlled by our company. Our main priority is the consumption of processing power not to exceed 50% to 60% of the total dynamic of the server, so that the server can cope without delays in the occasional peaks that may occur on the web pages that are hosted at the same time. Once a server reaches the limits of total processing consumption that we set, then a new server takes over. The overall processing performance of the server is crucial, as there must be resource availability in order to be able to serve the sites without delays for which the server is responsible.

Adequacy of processing power at the hosting plan level is also very important. Referring to 1 core CPU, we refer to the higher processing power that a hosting package can consume. Each core is a physical core cpu and not a virtual core. We give all the processing power that a core CPU has from the manufacturer and we do not subdivide it into Virtual cores.

This option gives an added value to your hosting package in the long run, as the servers are regularly upgraded and therefore after each upgrade the new CPUs are fatally stronger and faster, since technology is an ally in this route.

So a customer who trusted us 10 years ago for a hosting package with 1 core CPU, now enjoys multiple processing power compared to the one he bought, so informally his hosting package was upgraded without being charged. But it is not happen the same when one gives Virtual cores, which are subdivisions of the physical CPU. In such cases he calls Virtual Core the performance up to some Hz of processing power and any upgrade over the years never reach the final customer, as Virtual Cores do not upgrade automatically.

If you do an internet search you will find that there are all kinds of options. There are plans with Virtual Cores, there are plans with many cores, there are plans that do not specify how many cores the packet is allowed to consume, as they do not have any control at this level. A package that preaches for example 3 cores will not be effective while the total availability of the server is exhausted, nor will a package with Virtual Cores be effective in the long run if the provider does not take care to give more power per virtual core over the years and evolution of technology.

In your search for the ideal hosting package you should ensure that there is some evolution on the server over the years and that you will enjoy the benefits of technological advancement and you should also have an appreciation for the overall performance of the server.

To the question, if one CPU core is enough for a typical website or eshop, the answer is clearly yes. In order to consume more than half of the CPU, demanding processes must be performed on a large data set or there must be technical glitches in the host application. There is of course the possibility of high demands due to increased traffic, but in these cases the website owner may have already invested enough money to optimize his website and will probably have analyzed the processing needs of his website to not be ahead surprises.

More CPU:

When does a hosting package need more CPU? If a page is slow, do I necessarily need more CPU? These are questions that our customers sometimes ask us. Answers to this type of question are given through measurements with the appropriate tools.

In the Business Line and Semi Dedicated Line plans, you will find the X-Ray module, which provides analysis of time delays on a website. Also from the Resource Usage option that you will also find in cPanel, you can see if the resources of your package are sufficient for the needs of your website.So if you find overuse of resources, from the combined study of these two tools of the CloudLinux Operating System, you can draw a measurable conclusion, whether the resources of your package are sufficient or no. You will also be able to know WHY your site consumes a lot of resources and you will have an estimate of how many more resources you will need. We can help you in this process.

If you need more resources, but are not sure how many, then we can assign more resources in your package before making any upgrades, to have a clear, measurable and proven track record of your website needs. Then you will decide whether to upgrade or not and in which package. Our technicians will assist you in these procedures to have an efficient page at the lowest possible cost and with the least effort on your part.

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