
Domain change owners name

The change of the owner name requires verification of the owner's identity. In any other case, the domain has to be transferred to the new owner.

To change a domain's owner name via IP.GR, it is necessary that the domain has been registered or has been already transferred to IP.GR, i.e. IP.GR is the registrar of this domain name.

Next, you will have to follow the steps below:

  1. At first, you should create the contact that is going to be the domain's new owner.
  2. Then, a domain name change application must be sent, following these instructions:
    • You should log in your account in IP.GR
    • Follow the path:

      Dashboard > Domains > My domain names

    • From the active domain names list in your account, select the domain for which you wish to change the owner's name and then click on the Edit icon.
    • Once you are in the Edit panel, select Name Change.
    • Choose the new owner and then press Continue. In the next step, you will have to select also the means you are going to use to make the payment of the domain trade fees, as well as the type of the document that will be issued for this transaction.
    • Then, you proceed to the order.
  3. Your order should be financially settled.
    Note: A domain's owner change of name is a chargeable by the Greek name Registry act and it costs 33,48 euro, according to the current price list. The name change application is forwarded to the Registry, after the trade fees have been paid.
  4. After the financial settlement of the fees, a Pdf form of the name change application will be sent to your account contact email. The form has to be signed and then sent back to IP.GR via email, fax or post, to be forwarded to the Registry.

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