Change your domain name servers
Alter your domains name servers through your account control panel

You may change your domain's name servers through your IP.GR account control panel.
Before you try making any changes, make sure you are logged in your account. Otherwise, select Login and then use your email and password to login your account.
Next, follow the path:
Dashboard > Domains > My domain names

From the active domain list in your account, spot the domain that you wish to modify the nameservers and click the gear icon, under the "Nameservers".

In this display, you can change the nameservers of your domain.

The changes are submitted to the Registry in real time and will be activated in about 3 to 6 hours, after the restart of the Registry's root name servers.
We strongly recommend that you are extra careful when updating or modifying your domain's name servers, as it is likely that any wrong selection may cause temporary issues in the proper operation of any other services connected to this domain (website, emails).