
Manage email accounts - cPanel

cPanel - email management

This is a set of functions that allows you to create and manage email accounts for your domain. These functions can be found grouped under Mail section of your cPanel.

  1. Email account creation
  2. Change your password
  3. Change quota
  4. Email delete
  5. Webmail access
  6. Forwarders
  7. Auto-responders

1. Email account creation

To add a new email account, follow these steps below:

cPanel - Add email account

  • Enter the address you want to create under Email field. For example, if your domain is, the field after "@" is already filled with If you want to create an email address like, simply fill Email field with "info".

    * If you add more from one domain, in the field after the @ appears by default the main domain. Therefore, if you want to create email address for any of your other domains, make sure you first select the right domain!

  • Under Password field type the password you want to use for this email. Enter the same password under Confirm.

    * cPanel evaluates your password with 0 to 100. 0 indicates a very weak password, while 100 a very strong one. If the measure (Strength meter) changes to green, means that the password used is strong enough. We recommend your password to contain at least 6-8 characters.

    * if you do not want to use your own password, you can use the Password Generator, which creates a password automatically for you. Remember to note this password somewhere for future use!

  • Enter the space, in Megabytes, that you want to give to your email inside the Mailbox Quota field.

    * Mailboxes operate without problems when they do not exceed 500 MB. To avoid malfunctions, preferably type a limit lower than 500 MB.

  • Press the Create Account button and your email is ready!

Under the creation of a new email account frame, you will find a list of all the email accounts that you created. You can see the capacity, edit or even delete them if you do not want to use them anymore.

2. Change your password

* It is important that the password you select is safe. It would be good to avoid words used in everyday language and use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

To change the password of your email, follow these steps:

  • Next to the email that interests you, press the Change Password button.

    cPanel - change email password

    In the window that will open beneath your email, fill in the New password. You can use the Password Generator button to create a password automatically.

    * cPanel evaluates your password with 0 to 100. 0 indicates a very weak password, while 100 a very strong one. If the measure (Strength meter) changes to green, means that the password used is strong enough. We recommend your password to contain at least 6-8 characters.

  • Press the Change Password button, to finalize the change.

3. Change quota

Quota” is the space that disk your emails can occupy to this account, in MB. When this mailbox exceeds the limit you have given, it can not accept other emails, the system returns them to the sender with a message stating that the email recipient is full.

* It is important to periodically check the space occupied by your email into disk, because if it's filled you will not be able to receive new emails.

To change the quota for an email account, follow these steps:

  • Next to the email account that interests you, press the Change Quota button.

    cPanel - change email quota

  • Type the new quota (in Megabytes) in the Mailbox Quota field.
  • Press Change Quota to save the new value.

4. Delete email account

To delete an email address that is no longer needed, you can follow the steps below:

  • Next to the email account that interests you, press the Delete button.

    cPanel - delete email

  • Press Delete to confirm that you want to delete this email.
  • Otherwise, press Cancel to Cancel this action.

5. WebMail access (Horde, roundcube, Squirrel Mail)

Webmail allows you to access an email account through your browser. Before you can use it follow these steps:

  • Next to the email account that interests you, click the More button

    cPanel - webmail

  • Select Access Webmail.
  • You should now see a window in this format

    cPanel - Access wenbmail

  • You can use any of the three Webmail applications you want.
  • Then you need to enter your login details:

    cPanel - Roundcube login

    As Username use your email (eg, and as Password the one you chose, when you created this email account.

  • Press Login to enter the application and manage your email.
  • Default email account: This email account is created along with the hosting package and you will find it in the list with all other email accounts that you create. The username and the password for this account is the same with the login details for your cPanel. If you wish, you can use this account normally as your other email addresses. However you can not delete, modify or change the size of quota.

6. Forwarders

cPanel - email forwarders

You can use this feature to forward copies of your incoming emails to an other email address. This enables you to use one email account to check your messages from multiple email addresses. Through the Forwarders option in Mail section of cPanel you can Create a new forwarder, see the forwarders you have already created and edit them. You can create forwarders for an individual email account, or for All email accounts that you use for your domain.

Email Account Forwarders

Email Account Forwarders panel contains all the email addresses, which you set to forward to other addresses. To quickly find one of these, type a search word in the Search field and click theGo button.

cPanel - email forwarders list

For example, we have set up a forwarder for the email account "". For each message that sent to this address, a copy of this message is promoted to address.

To see the path that a forwarded email follows, select Trace from the Functions column for this email account.

cPanel - email trace

Add a Forwarder

To create a new email forwarder, follow the steps below:

  • Press Add Forwarder.

    cPanel - add forwarder

    You will now see a window like this:

    cPanel - email forwarder options

  • In the Address to Forward field, type the address for which you want to forward your email. You have two options:
    • You can forward your messages in another email address. In this case, you will complete the Forward to email address field the address to which you your emails will be forwarded.
    • You can delete messages you receive and update the sender accordingly. You can type the text that the sender receives to inform him that the email was not received by you in the Failure Message field.
  • Press Add Forwarder to create your forwarder.

    * if do not delete the original account that you created the forwarder, for our example the account, then both accounts, and will receive the same email.

    * if you want to forward emails in one address but do not receive them in one of the email accounts that you created, you can create a forwarder for a non-existent address. For example, we suppose you want each time someone sends an email to address, which is not a real address, this message to be forwarded in address. In this case, we will follow the steps above to create a forwarder from to, without the need to create an email.

Delete Forwarder

  • To dele a forwarder, press Delete in the Functions column.

    cPanel - delete email forwarder

    If you press Delete to the forwarder that we created in the example, you will see a window like this:

    cPanel - delete email forwarder result

  • If you really want to delete your forwarder press Delete Forwarder, else press Cancel.

Domain forwarders

cPanel - domain forwarders

You can use this feature to forward all incoming emails from all addresses that you have created for this domain to an another domain. The domain forwarders, forward emails only if their shipment was not successful. For example, if someone sends an email to address, there are the following possibilities:

  • If the email is an actual address, the email will not be forwarded.
  • If there is not a email, cPanel forwards the email to the domain you specified.

Add a Domain Forwarder

  • To create a new forwarder, press the Add Domain Forwarder button.

    cPanel - add domain forwarder

  • In the new window Select the domain for which you want to forward the emails and fill the box to with the domain you want to forward your emails and press the Add Domain Forwarder button.

    cPanel - domain forwarder options

    In the above example, we have created a domain forwarder for the domain to the domain If you sent an email to which is not a real email address, this will be forwarded to the domain.

Delete Domain Forwarder

To delete a domain forwarder, press the red X button within the Delete column which corresponds to the forwarder that you want to delete.

cPanel - delete domain forwarder

7. Autοresponders

Autoresponders enables you to configure automatic replies for your email, a feature that is particularly useful in case the recipient of the email is not available.

* Note: when there is an active autoresponder to an email address, the email continues to normally receive the messages in the inbox.

cPanel - autoresponders

To see all autoresponders you have created for a domain, select it from the Managing list in the upper right of the window. The list of all autoresponders will appear in the Current Autoresponders table. To quickly find any of them, enter a keyword to search under Search and click Go.

Add an Autoresponder

To create a new Auto responder follow these steps below:

  • Select the domain for which you want to create the auto responder from the Managing menu.
  • Press the Add Auto Responder button.

    cPanel - autoresponder options

  • Select a character set from the Character Set menu.

    * UTF-8 is the most common character set and it encountered more often by most users. It's the default value for the cPanel.

  • Enter the time interval in hours, for which your autoresponder should wait before to resend the automated message to the same address. For example, if you receive an email from address at 8 am of Monday. Your autoresponder will reply to this email immediately. If you set the interval to 24 hours and get a message from the same address in the afternoon of the same day, the autoresponder will not respond. If after 24 hours the same sender resend email, it will take he automated response from your autoresponder again.

    * if you set the interval to 0, the autoresponder will reply to all emails you receive.

  • Under Email field type in the address from which you want the server to respond.
  • Under From field type the name that will appear in the reply.
  • Under Subject type the subject of your reply.
  • If your message contains HTML tags, check the HTML box.
  • Select Start time. You can choose to start Immediately, or you can set a Custom start time. If you select Custom, a small calendar will appear. Use the arrow keys to navigate and select the date you prefer.

    cPanel - configure autoresponder

    After selecting the date, select the time too, just below the calendar. Click anywhere outside the calendar to Save your options and close the calendar.

  • Select stop time. You can select Never or Custom. If you select Custom, a small calendar will appear. Use the arrow keys to navigate and select the date you prefer. After selecting the date, select the time too, just below the calendar. Click anywhere outside the calendar to Save your options and close the calendar.

    * You must select an end time greater than the start time.

  • Press Create/Modify to save the settings you have made in your autoresponder.

Autoresponder Edit

cPanel - edit autoresponder

To edit any of the autoresponders, click Edit in the Functions column next to your autoresponder. Then you will see the same window as in the creation of your autoresponder. After changing the desired settings, press Create / Modify to save the settings you made in your autoresponder.

Delete an Autoresponder

cPanel - delete autoresponder

To delete any of your autoresponders follow these steps:

Click Delete in the Functions column next to your autoresponder. You will see a window like this:

cPanel - autoresponder delete result

If you wish to delete your autoresponder, click Delete Autoresponder, otherwise press Cancel to return to the autoresponders list.

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