Web hosting
FTP Account Management - Direct Admin
Create, modify, delete and connect to an FTP account
Creating FTP Accounts
To create FTP accounts, click on the "FTP Management" icon, existing in the main frame of the control panel. You will be able to view a list of the FTP accounts.
Default FTP Account
The Default FTP account and the control panel account have the same login name and the same password. You can not delete the default FTP account but you can change the password to differ from the one of the control panel.
Important: If you change the password of the control panel, the default FTP account will still have the previous password. If you wish for both passwords to be valid, you will have to update the default FTP account, in FTP settings.
Creating a New Account
Click on "Create FTP account".
First, choose an FTP username. In the example depicted in the picture above, we choose "gary". Next, type the password and select the access level for the FTP account.
Domain: Domain: This FTP user has access in public_html, private_html, mail addresses, domain names and backup directories. FTP: This FTP user has access only in the public_ftp directory.
User: This FTP user has access only in public_html/username/. If we used this selection in the picture above, the FTP user would only in public_html/gary/or in https://www.example.com/gary/. If there is a subdomain named gary.example.com, this user will have access to this directory too.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created at the moment. Finally, press the "Create" button.
After you have pressed "Create", the control panel will present you the connection information for the FTP account, you have just created. Make notice that your FTP username has the suffix @yourdomain.com, following the username. This happens, because your domain uses a common IP address. If your website has its own (specific) IP address, the FTP username will not be followed by @yourdomain.com.
If you have your own IP address and you create additional domain names in this address, these additional domains will have the FTP logins by username@thatdomain.com.
Log in an FTP account
Step 1:Download the FTP client software.
To upload in an FTP server, a specific software is necessary. Most of the computer systems have no contact with the FTP clients, thus you have to download them from the Internet.
We suggest : ΙΒΜ/Windows: LeechFTP (free), WS_FTP LE (free), FTP Explorer(free), CuteFTP (free trial).
Macintosh: Fetch (free), Transmit (free trial).
Step 2:Connect with the server.
All FTP clients need the following information:
Address (this is the server's address). Use "ftp.yourdomain.com".
Port - Use the default port (21).
Certain clients may ask for host type (select "auto"), ASCII/Binary/Auto (select "auto") and the initial remote folder (you may leave this empty or change it to /domains/yourdomain.com/public_html, to start from the main web directory.)
Step 3: Make changes to the directory you wish and upload your files. To upload, you must previously mark the files/folders in your computer and drag them to the appropriate directory in the remote computer. Every FTP client works differently, thus consult the help file containing complete instruction.
Modifying Accounts
In the main FTP menu, there is a list of all the FTP accounts. Press "change" for the account you wish to change. You must type a password twice. This password may be the old password or a new one. You may also change the account's access level, as mentioned above.
Deleting Accounts
To delete an account, choose the account you wish to delete and press the "Delete Selected" button, as you may see in the following image:
Note: The FTP directory, will not be deleted, unless it is empty.
Enabling Anonymous Access
To enable anonymous FTP access, click the "Anonymous FTP settings" link in the main FTP menu. You will be taken to a screen that looks like this:
To enable anonymous FTP, place a check next to "Allow Anonymous Access." If you want to give anonymous users the ability to upload, click the "Allow Anonymous Upload" link.
You may see "Error reading welcome.msg" in the "Welcome Message" textbox. This error occurs because no welcome message has been set yet. Please enter a new welcome message at this time.Be sure to click "Save" after you are finished.
Warning: Allowing anonymous uploads is potentially dangerous, and many hosts will disable the entire anonymous FTP access feature for this reason.
Creating FTP Users for Subdomains
To restrict an FTP account to a single subdomain, follow these steps:
1.Create the subdomain if you haven't done so already.
2. From the main control panel menu, click the "FTP Management" icon and then the "Create FTP account link."
4. Enter a password in the password fields.
5. Select the "User" radio button.
6. Click the "Create" button.