Cheap Hosting
+ auto installer + cloud linux

your moodle website
in IP.GR fast, cheap and easy!
What is moodle?
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an open source course management software. It is used by thousands of educational institutions around the world in order to provide their users with an organized interface for distance learning or online training. Moodle is a learning platform, designed to provide teachers, administrators and students a single powerful, secure and integrated system, which can be used to create personalized learning environments.
The Moodle application is supported by an active international community, a group of dedicated developers and a network of certified Moodle Partners. Through open collaboration and great support from the community, the project continues to achieve rapid correction of errors and improvements, with major new versions every six months. For anything you might need, you can always refer to the fora of the application's community users!
Why i need a hosting account for my moodle website?
Auto Installer
Auto Backup
Auto Update
CloudLinux OS
Free SSL
Performance / Flexibility
SSD Drives
PHP Selector
To be able to do your Moodle site accessible from all over the world, you need to install it on a server on the Internet. A Moodle site's hosting has some special requirements. IP.GR provides hosting space for your Moodle website's in the company's servers, which cover all specifications required for the continuous operation of the platform, as well as safety, speed and of course support for any difficulty you mighty encounter while installing and using the Moodle application.
You can use the automatic install application - auto installer which you may find in the control panel of your hosting pack by IP.GR, to install the application immediately with one click. Otherwise, you can download the application on your computer, implement it and then upload / transfer the site to the hosting space of the pack provided to you by IP.GR.
I already have a website built in moodle. What services do you offer for this?
1. Performance measurement
If you already have a website and have troubled fot its performance, we have the ability to measure its resource needs through CloudLinux mechanisms. Once you have installed your website in the hosting package you will get from IP.GR, you can check the summary of cPanel statistics to see if the resources of the package you selected meet the needs of your website. If you see that resources are not enough, ask for our help. A qualified technician will oversee the consumption of your site resources and propose a solution. -
2. Ιdentify needs
Measuring the performance of a website leads to the identifiaction of its needs in system resources and consequently to selecting a hosting package that best meets the requirements of your application. -
3. Value for money
Through the evaluation of your site, you choose the hosting package that truly meets your needs. This way you know exactly why you chose the specific hosting package and how your money is matched to system resources. -
4. 30-day money back guarantee
If for some reason you have not been satisfied with our service or for whatever reason you have decided to terminate the hosting package purchase from IP.GR, we will return your money within 30 days of your order.
LiteSpeed Hosting Plans for websites
Top performance for better SEO- Boost your website's loading speed by taking advantage of LiteSpeed technology.
- With the Event Driven architecture of LiteSpeed Web Server, you can achieve a significant optimisation in the performance of your website.
- The next big Boost of your website will be a hosting plan in LiteSpeed Server.
- Try it out today inexpensively and take the next step online!
moodle hosting - Buy web hosting for moodle site!
Hosting plan for moodle website from euro per month
All hosting plans are hosted to modern infrustructurres in any data center you may choose. See what each data center offers and make the best choice for your website hosting.
- moodle business hosting με NVMe SSD disks from 1 euro per monthMORE
- moodle hosting in european data center from 4.2 euro per monthMORE
- moodle Fully Managed Semi Dedicated Hosting from 14.90 euro per monthMORE
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