
For how many domain names may I use an SSL certificate?

Each SSL certificate is issued for a domain and connected to it. However, since there are cases where the same certificate needs to cover more than one domains or sub domains or an organization wants to use the same certificate for more than one domain names that has in its possession, various types of certificates SSL have emerged, depending on the number of domains for which can be each type can be applied:

SDC: Single Domain Certificates - Certificates for one domain only. They can provide security for a single website, that its domain has been tested and approved.

WC: Wildcard Certificates - certificates for a domain and all its sub domains. Can be used for the security of a central domain and unlimited sub domains of this domain.

MDC:Multi-Domain Certificates - Certificates for multiple domains. Such a certificate may be used to secure up to 100 different domains, depending on the type and the certificate's issuer.

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