Web Development
Drupal Tutorial - Add a Blog
If you want to have the ability to upload and share various personal news (if the website is about you) or business news (if the website is professional) with your readers, visitors or customers of your website, a Blog is the best solution for this purpose. There you can post anything new that would be good your audience to know.
At the same time a Blog, with frequent and original publications, greatly helps to promote your website in the search engines.
Enable the Blog module and create your first post
The first step is to enable the Blog module which is pre-installed in Drupal until the version 7, and can be installed again as a module in Drupal 8 and up. Both ways you will find it in the Modules section with all the other installed modules, where you will have to enable it by clicking the Enabled button next to it. Then click the Save configuration button to save your changes.
Now that the Blog module is enabled, you can create your first post inside it. To do this, navigate to Content > Add Content where you will see a new type of content named Blog entry. Click this link to create a new Blog post. The process of adding new content to your Blog, is like the process of creating a new basic page, as we did in the previous example for the About us page. When your new post is ready click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save it.
As a last step you need to add a link in your websites menu to your Blog, so that a visitor can find your posts. To add a link to your Blog you will have to navigate to the Structure > Menus category and click the Add link button next to the main menu. There you will see two empty fields that you have to fill.
- In the Menu link title field type the text you want to be shown as a tag on the menu.
- In the Path field type the path to your Blog, the default path is "blog".
When you add the link to your Blog, you can reload your website and you will be able to select your new Blog category. There you will see the post you created before.