Web hosting

How do I compress / decompress files?

The compression/decompression of files in your hosting account can be done through the control panel (cPanel) on your account. See the following steps:

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Click the File Manager option in the Files category.

    cPanel - Files category

  3. In the popup window click the GO button.

    cPanel - Files Category

  4. Now you are on the File Manager page of cPanel. Through this interface you can compress or decompress files.

    A. Compress files

    1. Select (mark) the files you want to compress, the right click on it and select Compress.

      cPanel - select files to compress

    2. In the popup window select the type and name of the compressed file that will be generated and click the Compress File(s) button.

      cPanel - set type and name of the compressed file

      In your files list you will now see the compressed file with the name that you specified.

    B. Extract files

    1. Select the file you want to extract, then right click on it and select Extract.

      cPanel - extract file

    2. In the popup window select the folder in which you want to place the files from the archive.

      You should keep in mind that if there are files with the same name between those found in the compressed file with these possibly located already in the folder that you will extract the compressed file, the existing files will be replaced with the extracted files, so there is a chance you might lose precious files. Make sure there is no risk of data loss for the reason described above, before you make the extraction.

      cPanel - extraction folder selection

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