General Information .gr Domain
What are the companies registrars validity .gr domain, available
Greek domain registration
Since April 5th, 2004 the .gr domain registration system is reformed. The registrations, renewals, data modifications
for all .gr domain names can be done through registrars operating after relevant permission by NTPC.
The Research and Technology Foundation, that up until that moment was the only registrant for all .gr domain names, is no longer working as a registrant and has the responsibility to keep the Registry of .gr domain names.
All .gr domain name owners have the obligation to choose one of the authorized registrants and transfer their domains to this registrant.
Every physical or legal person in Greece and abroad has the right to register a .gr domain, without restrictions in the number of their names.
- Constisted by alphanumeric latin or greek characters as well as the symbol "-" in the middle of name.
It cannot start or end with "-", or contain contiguous times "-". There is no difference between small or
big letters.
- Has a length between 3 to 63 characters.
- Not be geographic. Geographical names can only be registered by the local authorities.
- Not be a country code, such as they are described in the ISO 3166-1 list of the ISO organisation.
- There should not exist a .gr domain with the same variable part under the third level .gr domain
- Not be rejected in the past due to:
- Opposes public order or morality.
- Is a keyword in the Web.
- It is a symbol of the Greek state or rest countries mentioned in Article 6 of the Paris Convention on Industrial Property, as long as a symbol of great value, such as religious symbols and words.
Except the second level domain names, also for registration are available third level names with the following suffixes:
- in companies and commercial organizations.
- in educational organizations.
- for internet service providers.
- for organizations.
- exclusively for governmental organizations.