Find out what more we can do for your site!
Hosting services that make the difference and help enhancing your website's performance.

Provided services
Every hosting plan includes extra tools that will help you make significant improvements to your website or shop.
Our staff is always here to help you with everything you need!
Services managed through your cPanel account

- Detect slow PHP scripts
- Detect slow SQL queries
- Servel level analysis to identify the sources causing your website to lag!
The X-Ray module does for your site what third party services like google GTMetrix, Pingdom tools etc, can not do. It is a tool that you can use through your cPanel account and analyzes the delays of your website. In other words, it identifies the spots in your code that make your site slow and informs you about it, so that you know what to improve.
The X-Ray module is available at the hosting series Business Line and Semi Dedicated Line.

- Resource Usage check
- Understanding website needs
- Upgrade according to the resources you need
Resource Usage reporting is an accurate recording of your website's needs in system resources.
With numerical data and graphs, you can understand if the page is working properly or not.Based on the log data, you can make decisions about your website (optimizations in code level, resources upgrade, etc.).

- Regular check of Email Forwarders
- Notifications for unwanted forwarders
On a regular basis we check the Email Forwarders hosted on our company's servers. We have a list with email addresses that have been reported to act maliciously over the internet which is updated regularly with new reports.
If we notice that a forwarder is sending messages to a known - malicious email address, we immediately inform the customer and we also send relevant instructions on how to deal with the current issue.

- Regular check of Email Filters
- Notifications for malicious filters
On a regular basis we check the Email Filters hosted on our company's servers. This procedure is carried out in a supervisory way by specialized technicians who check the functionality of the filters for any malicious intention.
If an Email Filter is recognized as malicious, the customer is informed and provided with all the necessary instructions on how to handle the incident.

- + OWASP rules
- + Custom rules
- Protection of customer applications
ModSecurity is a server-level firewall that filters requests made to client applications to protect them from malware.
Filtering is implemented using OWASP Foundation rules along with custom rules written by our system administrators.

- 30+ Live virus databases
- Live + Daily + Weekly scans
- Live scan of uploaded files
- Live scan of edited files
Our servers scan the sites and the emails of the hosting plans with 3 different applications (Imunify360, eXploit Scanner, Linux Malware Detect / maldet. Scans are real time and in a daily and weekly basis as well.
What is more, antivirus systems incorporate more than 30 different virus definition databases, which are available online by cybersecurity companies. In this way, the know-how of multiple antivirus systems is integrated in our systems and there is maximum security and timely update of new viruses.

- MailScanner
- SpamAssassin rules
All our hosting plans use MailScanner for Spam protection. With MailScanner you can control how your emails are filtered, evaluate the Spam Score of the messages and much more.
For more information, you can read the MailScanner user manual.
MailScanner also incorporates the features of the SpamAssassin mechanism, which is one of the most well-known Spam Protection applications.
On Demand
Our specialized technicians supervise your site!
![Website health check <br />[ Tech Inspect ]](
[ Tech Inspect ] :
- Good operation check
- Check logs
- Fronted analysis - Lighthouse
- Backend analysis
- Check for updates

Analyzing the health of a website is a multifaceted issue. Our technicians check the health of your account for the functional parts of your website, relying on tools provided by the hosting server and third party services.
Initially, the log files are studied for any problems, the Resource Usage of the hosting plan, the daily process log of your account, the interaction with the database and of course whether there are upgrades for your application.
Depending on the findings and the problems you may have reported to us, appropriate suggestions or guidance are made to resolve them.
Of course, if there are problems related to the interaction with the hosting server, it is very likely that direct solutions will be provided or that they will be launched for a short-term solution.
Our developers basically participate in this activity and if necessary, other specialties contribute.
![X-Ray [ Tech Inspect ]](

Our company technicians trigger the X-Ray module and study the results. X-Ray reports are combined with other data such as CloudLinux Resource Usage and cPanel Visitors, which you can also access through your cPanel, but also from other CloudLinux tools related to the server administrator. For example the Daily Process Log of cPanel, Lve Monitor of CloudLinux, logs of Web Server, running and sleeping processes of mysql etc.
Once the tests are completed, our technicians will inform you with the conclusions that have been drawn.
The Developers and the System Administrators of our company participate in this activity.
![Resource Usage [ Tech Inspect ]](
- Supervision by a technician
- Efficiency assessment
- Trial upgrades
- Problem solving suggestions

If you see that one of the resources in your Hosting package is over-consumed, then it might be a good idea to contact our company so that our developers can monitor the resource usage in your package.
Firslty, it is monitored whether resource over-consumption is occasional or systematic. Then an assessment is made of where the over-consumption of resources can come from and if the cause of the problem is identified, the appropriate solution is proposed.
If the increased resource consumption is due to physiological causes (eg increased traffic), then trial upgrades are made to the over-consumed resources until the hosting package has a smooth operation. Finally, the appropriate hosting package is proposed for upgrade, which covers the needs that have been presented.
The Developers and, if necessary, the System Administrators of our company participate in this activity.
![MailScanner [ Configuration ]](

Mailscanner provides several configuration options for which you can find out more about MailScanner application usage guide. The default configuration we do on each hosting package, is properly configured to protect your mailboxes from spam. But you can make different interventions based on your needs.
In case you encounter difficulties in configuring MailScanner or there are options that you do not fully understand and are not covered by the user guide, then you may contact the technical support department for assistance from one of our office technicians.
The technical support department participates in this activity and, if necessary, the System Administrators of our company.
![Email setup [ Support service ]](
- Solve connectivity problems
- Proper operation check
- Installation in a mail application

If you have problems with your emails, you can refer to our knowledge base at Email section for useful information and answers to common problems. If you can not solve your problem do not hesitate to ask for help from the technical support department of our company.
The technical support department will oversee the problem you are facing and will take care of its optimal solution.
The technical support department mainly participates in this activity and if necessary, other specialties also contribute.
Hosting Lines
Our hosting packages are divided into three major hosting lines: these are called Standard, Business and Semi dedicated.
Standard Line
Suitable package, able to support all of the common online applications (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal etc.).
This line contains all the Standard benefits in terms of security and resources making it the perfect solution for any small-mid range site that wants to be hosted at a fast and stable server with minimal cost.
Business Line
The ultimate Value for money solution for any business:
+ NVMe SSD disks
+ Business Backups:
- 7 daily backups
- 4 weekly backups
+ Selective restore
+ Backup restore capabilities for up to 1 month back
+ Advanced Email Protection
Semi Dedicated Line
Suited for websites with high resource usage:
Geared towards website that need high processing power and system resources.
Less accounts per server, resulting in more disk space for data and email storage and a more stable environment.
Ideal solution for eshops and websites that require that fastest site speed possible.